Conditions of Entry

1. This prize draw (the “Promotion”) is only open to UK residents [excluding Northern Ireland],
excluding employees and agents of (a) the Promoter or (b) any company connected with the
production or distribution of this Promotion, as well as their relatives or members of their
family or household.

2. Entrants must be aged 18 years or over at the time of entry. Proof of eligibility must be
provided upon request.  By entering the Promotion you are deemed to accept and be bound
by these terms and conditions.

3. The Promotion is free to enter and entrants can enter by tagging three (3) friend in the
comments on the specified @eliza.co.uk Instagram post and both entrant and tagged friends
must follow the @eliza.co.uk Instagram accounts. Multiple entries per person or email
address are accepted. Entrants can submit a further entry by promoting the competition on
their Instagram story and tagging the @eliza.co.uk Instagram account.

4. The Promotion will start at 10:00 on and 25.04.2024, the closing time/date for the Promotion
is 02.05.2024 at 18:00


5. There will be 1 [one] winner who will be selected in a random draw from all eligible entries.
The winner will be notified by the Promoter by email within one week of this date and will be
given details of how to accept their prize.  Failure by the winner to accept the prize in the
manner specified within one week of the Promoter’s email will make any claim invalid and the
Promoter will then select another winner (again selected randomly in a draw) from all
remaining eligible entries who will be contacted as above.

6. x5 dresses from the ‘bridesmaid’ section on Ghost.co.uk
The prize must be redeemed by 4 weeks of being contacted by Eliza.co.uk.

7. Gifts, prizes and other promotional items are not transferable, may not be re-sold and are
subject to availability. The Promoter reserves the right in their reasonable discretion to
substitute any such gift, prize or item with a gift, prize or item of equal value.

8. The surname and county of the prize winner will be available after the closing date by
submitting a written request to the Promoter.

9. Entrants agree to provide reasonable cooperation to allow the Promoter to use the name
and/or likeness of the winner for advertising and publicity purposes in connection with this
Promotion including but not limited to publication of the winner’s name and photograph on the
Promoter’s websites. In addition, if you have submitted an entry and in consideration of the
Promoter granting a right to enter the Promotion, entrants agree to grant the Promoter a
perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and licence to use, reproduce,
modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute and exercise all
copyright and publicity rights with respect to any materials contained in the entry (including
but not limited to text, images or video materials) (the “Materials”) worldwide and/or to
incorporate the Materials in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full
term of any rights that may exist in the Materials. By submitting Materials to the competition,
an entrant:

a. warrants that the Materials are its own original work and that it has the right to make them
available for all the purposes specified above; that it does not infringe any law; that it is
not obscene or libellous; and that it does not violate the rights of any third party;
b. agrees to indemnify the Promoter against all legal fees, damages and other expenses
that may be incurred as a result of a breach of the above warranty;
c. agrees to waive any moral rights in the Materials for the purposes of its submission to,
and publication by, the Promoter and the purposes specified above.

Personal Information

10. Any personal information provided to us during the entry process (including but not limited to
your name, e-mail address, telephone number and date of birth) must be correct. We accept
no responsibility for any incorrect personal information provided to us.

11. We will hold your personal information in accordance with these terms and conditions and our
privacy policy (available here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/article-1388040/Privacy-
12. [If we are not the Promoter, we will only share your personal information with the Promoter
where you are a/the winner of the Promotion or where you have opted in to receive direct
marketing from the Promoter (if relevant). The Promoter will hold your personal information as
a separate controller in accordance with its privacy policy (available here: [Promoter please
insert]) and shall implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational security
measures in compliance with the GDPR and any other applicable law.]


13. The determination and decision of the Promoter on all matters shall be final and no
promotional correspondence or discussion will be entered into. The Promoter reserves the
right in its reasonable discretion: (a) to disqualify any claimant, competitor or nominee whose
conduct is contrary to the spirit of the rules or the intention of the promotion and to declare as
void any or all of their claims or entries based on such conduct; (b) to declare as void any
claims or entries resulting from any printing, production and/or distribution errors (including
but not limited to any error(s) on any website of the Promoter, any game cards and/or other
printed materials) or where there has been error(s) in any aspect of the preparation for or
conduct of the promotion materially affecting the result of the promotion or the number of
claimants or the value of claims; (c) to add to or to waive any rules on reasonable notice;
and/or (d) to cancel the promotion or any part of it at any stage in the event of circumstances
beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control.

14. No entries will be accepted in bulk, from agents or third parties.
15. To the fullest extent permitted by law (and subject to paragraph 16 below), the Promoter
hereby excludes all warranties, representations, covenants and liabilities (whether express or
implied) relating to this Promotion and/or the prize.
16. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude the Promoter’s liability for: (i) death or
personal injury as a result of its negligence; (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (iii)
any liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law.
17. The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, suspend or cancel the
Promotion should virus, bugs, tampering, fraud or other causes beyond the reasonable
control of the Promoter corrupt or hinder the administration, security or proper play of the
18. If any of the provisions of these terms and conditions are held to be invalid or unenforceable in
whole or in part that part shall be severed from the remainder of the provisions and the validity
of the other provisions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.
19. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and any dispute shall
be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


20. The Promoter is eliza ,a brand of Associated Newspapers Limited Northcliffe House, 2
Derry Street, London, W8 5TT, (company number 00084121).

Created at Sun, 08 Sep 2024 02:24:29 GMT